President Putin Addresses Russian Lawmakers Ahead of Presidential Elections 29-Feb-2024

President Vladimir Putin has delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly, Russia's national legislature, marking his 19th message to the assembly. The speech at Gostiny Dvor in central Moscow comes just over two weeks before the country's presidential elections, in which Putin is seeking reelection.

Traditionally shrouded in secrecy regarding its contents, the Kremlin has indicated that this address will focus on outlining the country's objectives for the next six years, given the upcoming presidential vote. Putin personally curated the speech after extensive consultations with ministers and officials, emphasizing its significance as a presidential directive.

Around a thousand individuals, including lawmakers from the State Duma and the Federation Council, government ministers, governors, religious leaders, foreign diplomats, journalists, and servicemen who have participated in conflicts such as the fighting against Ukrainian forces, have been invited to attend Putin's address in person.

In his speech, Putin sounded a warning against perceived Western interference in Russian affairs, asserting that the West seeks to undermine Russia's sovereignty and national unity, akin to its actions in Ukraine and other nations. He pledged to defend Russia's domestic affairs against external meddling, emphasizing the resilience of the Russian people in the face of foreign threats.

Economically, Putin touted Russia's strength, asserting that the country is already the largest economy in Europe in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). He expressed aspirations for Russia to ascend to the ranks of the top four global economic powerhouses, citing the country's robust growth and economic indicators.

Moreover, Putin highlighted the rising influence of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in the global economy, noting their increasing share of global GDP in PPP terms. He projected that by 2028, BRICS nations will account for 36.6% of the world's GDP in PPP terms, surpassing the G7 countries.

The address underscores Putin's vision for Russia's domestic and international trajectory, emphasizing economic growth, sovereignty, and global influence. As the nation approaches a pivotal presidential election, Putin's message carries significant implications for Russia's future trajectory and its role on the world stage.

Message To The Readers:

Putin's Annual Address: President Vladimir Putin delivers his 19th annual message to the Federal Assembly, Russia's national legislature, ahead of the country's presidential elections. The speech, held in central Moscow, outlines the country's objectives for the next six years, with Putin personally curating the content after extensive consultations with officials.

Warning Against Western Interference: Putin issues a stark warning against perceived Western attempts to undermine Russia's sovereignty and national unity, drawing parallels to actions taken in Ukraine and other nations. He pledges to defend Russia's domestic affairs against external meddling, reaffirming the resilience of the Russian people in the face of foreign threats.

Economic Strength and Aspirations: Putin highlights Russia's robust economic performance, asserting its position as the largest economy in Europe in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). He expresses aspirations for Russia to ascend to the ranks of the top four global economic powerhouses, citing favorable growth trends and economic indicators.

Rising Influence of BRICS: Putin underscores the increasing influence of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in the global economy. He projects that by 2028, BRICS nations will surpass the G7 countries in terms of their share of global GDP in PPP terms, reflecting a shift in the geopolitical landscape towards emerging economies.

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